Wednesday, December 29, 2010

After this... I'm going to need a large cup of coffee

Looking at a time where the news is monopolized by stock market crashes, celebrity divorces, and warnings of "Orange level terrorist threats," I think its about time that we stop. Stop and look and the mess we've made. We think we are all LIVING when we wake up at 5:00 am, buy a $4 cup of coffee from the local Starbucks, work our fat tushies off at some job we don't even like, then come home to a suburban 3-bedroom to "rest"... before we do it all again. Since when is this LIVING? Has the word lost its meaning? and who told us that this is the way we are supposed to live our lives?! It is obvious to me now why there are statistically more obese Americans than healthy ones and how we get so stressed out that we have to pay $200 an hour to talk to some woman who thinks conversation can solve all our problems.

By no means am I saying that I am the perfect human being. Far from it. All I am saying is that maybe it's time that we all let go of what we now call a "life" and to begin living. I need change. I need a life. And for once, I need to finish something I actually begin.

So, there we go. A thesis/New Year's resolution. Every person is given a life and I don't believe that every person lives up to their own potential and opportunity- until now. A great philosopher once "philosophized" in a time when conformity was to be appreciated, that "potential and new discovery cannot be reached without creativity and the ability to stray away from the path that was previously paved by some idiot who thought he knew everything." Not anymore. Let's change things up a bit. Who said that I can't live vivaciously and spontaneously in a world that is run by Miley Cyrus and credit scores??? I guess a lot of people. But no one can ever prove that living by the rules is always right. America's founding fathers broke all the rules and look where we would be today if someone hadn't decided to live creatively? (Looking at us now... possibly better off. But that is a whole can of political insanity I dare not to open).

My creative outlet? Food. and always food. "The butter to my bread, and the breath to my life."

Me: A Well behaved college student by day, newly-rebellious future chef and vivacious 20 year old by night. Can she do it? We'll see.

365ish days. 365ish recipies (give or take). 356ish stories to tell-

Life is about the journey, isn't it? So lets begin...

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