Saturday, May 26, 2012

The thing about beginning again

I feel like we've broken up. Yes - me and you. It was by accident that my 10 month hiatus happened from this collection of linguistically deep and culinary rich articles written with love. But, let's be honest - I just got distracted.

So let me catch you up on the past 10 months of my life...

I lived in Italy for the summer...

Signed with a modeling agency... (what?!?!)

Went to The Vegas for my 21st Birthday and discovered my passion for things served in tiny cups...
 (that me and my sister at the Grand Canyon. Isn't she the cutest?)

Went on a road trip to Austin, TX for SXSW

And then most recently, landed an amazing internship with ClearChannel radio on 94.1ZBQ in Tuscaloosa for the summer.

So now that I've been honest and confessed my blogging-sins, can we begin again? Recently I have discovered a gift from God himself. A blessing straight from The Man Upstairs to me and you... the Tuscaloosa River Market. There is nothing I love more than experimenting with fresh ingredients produced and sold locally - so that's where I got my inspiration this morning. As I was enjoying this beautiful Saturday walking along the River Market I thought, "Self, don't you just wish you could buy EVERYTHING in here??" - and that's when I realized, what better way to revitalize my dying blog while basking in the agricultural richness that West Alabama has to offer than by buying local and then learning how to cook "in season." 

And lucky for you, my purchase today was a vegetable I love in the depths of my soul - Swiss Chard. 

And don't forget the carrots

The cooking and recipe making shall re-commence tonight and YOU can go ahead and be looking forward to reading about what I am able to make of this lovely leafy veggie. 

And thanks for taking me back..

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